INDIGO Talks are now available!

INDIGO Talks are now available!

Access over 10 hours of Talks presented at INDIGO 2022 by seasoned professionals from the Dutch and international games industry. Dive into game design lessons, personal career stories, localisation tricks, building production funnels, using equity for long-term...
News Tower wins the INDIGO 2022 Award worth $5,000

News Tower wins the INDIGO 2022 Award worth $5,000

A sunny, sold out festival edition of INDIGO brought the Dutch games industry and their foreign peers together in-person for the first time in a while. The game business and showcase event featured a two track conference, business matchmaking and an online games...
Dutch Game Awards 2021 Winners

Dutch Game Awards 2021 Winners

The winners of the Dutch Game Awards have just been announced at the leading award show for Dutch game developers. The show took place during Dutch Media Week in Beeld en Geluid in Hilversum. Dutch Game AwardsThis year, the prestigious award show for Dutch game...
Dutch Game Awards 2021 nominees are announced

Dutch Game Awards 2021 nominees are announced

The award show for Dutch game developers takes place during Dutch Media Week in Sound and Vision on 7 October. Today the organization makes announced its nominations for the 10 categories and the special awards!NominationsOver the past month, the 10-member jury has...