Academy > A MAZE & Experimental Games About this Q&A On the 10 year anniversary of Dutch Game Garden, we invited Thorsten S. Wiedemann, Founder and Director of the A MAZE Festival for a Q&A. Thorsten tells about how he started with A MAZE and shares his...
Academy > Abbey Games About this Q&A In this video we interview Adriaan Jansen and Joni van der Leeuw. They share insights on Abbey Games and their journey. They discuss what they did right, what they did wrong and what is next for Abbey Games. Q&A with...
Academy >Monetizing a Free Game About this Q&A In this session, Geert van den Burg from Hidden Monster Games talks about his successful game Curve Fever. What mistakes did he make and what did he learn while developing Curve Fever 2, 3 and Pro? Geert shares his...
Academy >Being Culturally Aware About this Talk In this Q&A session, we talked to geographer and culturalization expert Kate Edwards (Geogrify). Kate helps game developers avoid making political and cultural mistakes in their games. She previously worked at...
Academy > Creative Entrepreneurship About this Talk Derk de Geus, CEO from Paladin Studios, gave a talk about creative entrepreneurship at the Dutch Game Awards Masterclasses 2017. Derk talks about the hard times he had running his company, which mistakes he made...