Academy > Sound design for Indies About this Q&A Eduardo Ortiz Frau is a freelance sound designer for video games. He worked on well-known indie games like Everything, Gorogoa, and The Stanley Parable. In this Q&A session, he shares tips on how to get...
Academy > Analyzing Your Player Data About this Q&A In 2003, the founders of InnoGames started creating their first game called Tribal Wars. It’s still on the market in 2018. More and more players joined and in 2007 the developers started the company InnoGames....
Academy > Abbey Games About this Q&A In this video we interview Adriaan Jansen and Joni van der Leeuw. They share insights on Abbey Games and their journey. They discuss what they did right, what they did wrong and what is next for Abbey Games. Q&A with...
Academy > Marketing Data About this Q&A Oscar Hogervorst from Ludens Labs gives advice to game developers and publishers about gathering and analyzing player data. He identifies what elements they can improve on and makes predictive analyses. In this Q&A...
Academy > Unity About this Q&A In this video we interview Sarah Thompson. Sarah is an account executive at Unity. This Q&A, we discuss the Dutch Game Garden – Unity partnership and all the benefits it brings for DGG member. Sarah also shares some...