We can happily announce that we have 26 games selected for the eleventh edition of INDIGO! Each and every one of the selected DISCOVER showcase games will be playable on Utomik for 7 days straight.
Dutch Game Garden selected 26 games to be part of the INDIGO DISCOVER showcase, now taking place online entirely and with the games being playable on the platform of event partner Utomik. We’re seeing that INDIGO has become more known overseas with each edition of INDIGO attracting more foreign submissions. This year’s selection bears 16 Dutch studios and also games that have been created in the USA, South Korea, Russia, Finland, Chile, and Belgium. From the 26 games, 7 of them have been created by student teams.
With an online showcase, Dutch Game Garden sadly had to eliminate physical installations, mobile games, and console games. Leaving only PC and PC-VR games in the selection. Additionally, games were tested on the Utomik platform to ensure stability on the platform during INDIGO.
Dutch Game Garden is providing a sneak-peek into INDIGO DISCOVER with some of the games during the June Online Network Lunch. Everyone attending the Online Network Lunch will be granted 24-hour access to the Utomik platform to play a couple of titles.
The entire DISCOVER showcase games will be played by several Dutch streamers on our channel. We will be inviting the showcase developers into the stream to talk about their game. INDIGO visitors can tune in and ask questions in the chat.
At the end of the day, Dutch Game Garden will be handing out the INDIGO AWARD. A price awarded to one of the showcasers with the, in the juries eyes, biggest market potential. What the reaping of the Award entails will be announced later on.
Still don’t have a ticket for INDIGO? Collect a free DISCOVER ticket to play the games and watch the stream. Or get a ticket with access to our online TALKS and MeetToMatch program. Read more about INDIGO here.
Want to read more about the games? Check out all INDIGO Games.