Following the earlier launch of the successful Game Scope game and game concept evaluation tool on the Google Play Store, the app is now available for download from Apple’s iTunes App Store.

Game Scope is a tool developed to validate / evaluate the potential of game prototypes and to learn to critically analyse game prototypes and discuss the elements that make a good game concept. Game Scope was originated at The University of the Arts Utrecht (HKU) but has since been developed under the JamToday project. It is now in its 3rd edition.

First delivered, and still available, in a card pack format, the 20 question tool has been ported onto smart phones and hand-held tablets. The release of JamToday Game Scope on the App Store means that both of the major handheld device platforms are now supported.

Use this link to go to the JamToday Game Scope App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch on the iTunes App Store.