october, 2022

13octallday14alldayUNWRAP. 2022

Event Details

For the second time in a row, UNWRAP. brings together the entertainment industry to explore the future of games, music, film, media and -moreover- the untapped potential of their crossovers.
A two-day festival with speakers from various backgrounds painting their picture for the future of entertainment.

Conference Be amazed and inspired by international speakers at the forefront of the entertainment industry: intimate sessions or keynotes? You choose.

Career Fair A dating place for highly skilled talent and companies on the lookout for employees & interns.

Investor Track A curated selection of startups pitch to a select group of investors and industry captains.

Festival Play games, have a beer, enjoy music performances, discover the craziest projects and most inspiring entrepreneurs out there.

You can find out more about the event on their website. Get tickets here!


october 13 (Thursday) - 14 (Friday)


Belgium, Kortrijk, Kortrijk Weide