april, 2020

16apr(apr 16)17:0017(apr 17)01:00Playgrounds Online Fest #1 - The Art Department

Event Details

Online artist talks, demo’s, panels & portfolio reviews

Yes, this spring is all about self-isolation and staying at home! But why not meet online instead? Without further ado, on April 16th you are cordially invited to the very first Playgrounds Online Festival! The first edition will be centered around The Art Department, so expect top-notch speakers on design and concept art in animation, films, and games.

Apart from online artist talks, there’ll be demos, panels and portfolio reviews as well, in a fun, engaging manner!  And that’s not all! (Possibly) the best news yet: the festival is free of charge! Let’s join forces, talk about art, share some energy and get some inspiration!

Location: Video stream on Twitch – Stream 1 and Stream 2


16 (Thursday) 17:00 - 17 (Friday) 01:00