january, 2023

27jan11:0012:30Online Info session: Video Games and Immersive Content Development (Dutch)

Event Details

The Creative Europe Media Desks of the Netherlands and Flanders invite you to a Dutch online info session about the open call Videogames & Immersive Content Development 2023 (DEVVGIM). De call is there to support the first phase of the development of a narrative videogame or immersive content. 

The session features general information about the call and a good practice presentation (in English) by Sébastien Letouze (Exiin). Deadline for the open call is March 1 2023. More information in Dutch is available on the website of Creative Europe Desk NL. You can also find a link to the English version of the open call on the EU Funding and Tenders Portal.

Registration (Deadline: January 26, 17:00):
Register for free before the given deadline here.


(Friday) 11:00 - 12:30