november, 2017
10nov17:0020:00Game Bakery MeetUp - Programming
Event Details
The first Game Bakery meetup will be focused around programming and the technical side of game development. Join us if you are a programmer or if you are interested in
Event Details
The first Game Bakery meetup will be focused around programming and the technical side of game development. Join us if you are a programmer or if you are interested in programming. Anyone looking for programming talent is also welcome to join.
The meetup will be opened by Manuel Kerssemakers, co-founder and programmer at Abbey Games. The topic of the talk is code iteration.
“Yet another error… “Let’s add this new mechanic quickly”… one more tweak… the designer wants it changed…
Gameplay programming leans heavily on iteration. Simplifying the adjustment procedure ensures that you can improve your game faster and more often. Still, iteration is often cumbersome and it takes a lot of time to edit your code and to reproduce a situation. Wouldn’t it be cool if you would never need to quit your game while making it? That’s how we should design our workflow. To accomplish this, we discuss the Golden Triangle of code iteration:
– hotloadability (i.e. loading in and using new code during a live session)
– state reproduction
– state inspection
Manuel is going to show how we tackle these topics at Abbey Games. Hotloading of code in particular provides a number of challenges on the gameplay side of programming, which we will discuss. Finally, we’ll show a demo to illustrate how the Golden Triangle works in practice.
Manuel will be available after his talk for more in-depth discussion.
The meetup features a showcase, for which we have 10 slots. If you have a project to present, or a tech demo to show off, sign up here.
17.00 Doors open and showcase setup
18.00 Talk by Manuel (topic to be announced)
18.20 Networking
20.00 End of showcase
About Game Bakery MeetUps
Game Bakery Meetups is a series of networking events for game developers strongly themed towards different disciplines. Anyone who either works in this field or is looking for talent, is welcome to join. The Meetups include complimentary drinks, courtesy of Game Bakery, and a showcase.
(Friday) 17:00 - 20:00
Game Bakery
Energieweg 11A