Sep 2, 2016 | Awards, DGG Breda, DGG Utrecht, Games, Incubation, News
Seven games by studios part of Dutch Game Garden’s incubation program have been nominated for the Dutch Game Awards 2016, making 11 nominations in total. The Dutch Game Awards is the largest competition for Dutch game developers. The ceremony will be held September 27th at TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht.
Aug 23, 2016 | DGG Utrecht, Games, Incubation, News
Digital Dreams’ infographic game Metrico+ has just been released on Steam and PS4.
Sep 3, 2015 | DGG Utrecht, Games, Incubation, News
Renowned Explorers: International Society, the second game from Abbey Games, is now available for PC, Mac & Linux.
Aug 31, 2015 | DGG Utrecht, Growing Games, Incubation, News
As of September, a new round of incubation starts at Dutch Game Garden, with a selection of new companies from inside and outside our Business Centers.
Feb 16, 2015 | Incubation, News
Als deel van het Dutch Game Garden incubation programma werden begin februari vier sprekers uitgenodigd om gedurende de Incubation-les Sales & Marketing over het onderwerp te spreken en hun ervaringen te delen.
Dec 16, 2013 | Incubation, INDIGO, News
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